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Title: Design, Creatività e Made in Italy “Fibre e tessuti intelligenti ed ECOsostenibili per l’abbigliamento TECnico e l’alta moda. Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Caterina Fusco. Project Type: National – MIUR – PON. Duration: 18/12/2020 – 17/12/2023.

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Title: Bifacial, high efficiency 4-terminals solar cell technology for “utility scale”. ICCOM Principal Investigator: Alessandro Mordini. Project type: National – PON ricerca e innovazione 2014-2020. Duration: 01/04/2020-01/04/2023.

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PON Energies for the Environment – TARANTO

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Title: Technology And pRocesses for the Abatement of pollutaNts and the remediation of conTaminated sites with raw materials recovery and production of energy tOtally green (TARANTO). Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Caterina Fusco. Project type: National – MIUR – PON. Duration: 01/11/2018-30/04/2022.

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