Requirements for CNR Transparent Administration
Transparent administration
The “Transparent Administration” section refers to the homonymous section of the CNR website, and is organized in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 14 March 2013. 33 “Reorganization of the regulations concerning the obligations for publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations” (GU General Series no. 80 of 05/04/2013), as amended by Legislative Decree 25 May 2016 n. 97 and the previous provisions: “Revision and simplification of the provisions on the prevention of corruption, publicity and transparency, corrective of the law of 6 November 2012, n. 190 and of the legislative decree 14 March 2013, n. 33, pursuant to article 7 of the law of 7 August 2015, n. 124, on the reorganization of public administrations “(GU General Series No. 132 of 08/06/2016).
From 18 October 2018, the publications of the acts are carried out on the CNR institutional website at the section Transparent administration, Calls for tenders and Contracts.
CNR-ICCOM specific information
The person responsible for the processing of personal data for the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds is Dr. Claudio Sangregorio, Director of CNR-ICCOM (
Other relevant sections for the CNR-ICCOM Transparent Administration:
Transparent administration of the National Research Council (CNR)
- Three-year plan for the prevention of corruption and transparency, Statute, Disciplinary Code, Code of Conduct
- Political-administrative bodies, sanctions for failure to communicate data, organization of the offices (organization chart)
- Data regarding collaborative or consulting assignments
- Top administrative positions, executives and directors, staffing, annual accounts, non-permanent staff, absence rates, assignments conferred and authorized to employees, collective bargaining, supplementary bargaining, OIV-Evaluation Unit
- All competitions held by the body for technical-administrative staff, technologists, researchers, managers and directors
- Performance plan, performance report, total amount of bonuses, data relating to bonuses, organizational well-being
- Supervised public bodies, investee companies, spin-off companies, controlled private law entities
- Special procedures, access to documents, generic forms
- Measures adopted by the political bodies and managers
- Data required by art. 25 of the legislative decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
Calls for tenders and contracts
- Public contracts for works, services and supplies. Two-year program of purchases and services
Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits
- Welfare benefits – Agreements, regulations and reference legislation, criteria and methods, concession deeds
- Budget and final balance, plan of indicators and expected budget results
Real estate and asset management
- Real estate, rents or rent
Controls and findings on administration
- Report of the Magistrate of the Court of Auditors Delegated for Control on the result of the control carried out on financial management
- Service charter and quality standards, costs accounted for, average service delivery times
Payments of the administration
- Indicator of timeliness of payments, total amount of debts, IBAN and IT payments
- Art. 38 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
Territorial planning and governance
- Art. 39 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
- Art. 40 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
Accredited private health facilities
- Art. 41 paragraph 4 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
Extraordinary and emergency interventions
- Art. 42 Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33
- Corruption Prevention; civic access, accessibility and catalog of data, metadata and databases, document management