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The Institute of Chemistry of OrganoMetallic Compounds (ICCOM) was established in 2001 following the merging of the Institute for the Study of Stereochemistry and Energetics of Coordination Compounds (ISSECC) of Florence, founded by Luigi Sacconi in Florence at the end of the 70’s, with three CNR Centers located in Florence, Pisa and Bari. The purpose of the aggregation was to create an important CNR chemical presidium in the area of ​​organometallic chemistry and the application of this discipline in the areas of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. In 2010, the arrival of numerous researchers and technicians at the Secondary Site in Pisa brought skills in analytical chemistry and spectroscopic methods, science of materials and cultural heritage, theoretical and computational chemistry. Since 2006 ICCOM has been managing and coordinating the Center for Electronic Microscopy (Ce.M.E.) of the CNR Research Area in Florence, a cutting-edge service structure that operates in the field of electron microscopy, making its instruments available to interested researchers of the CNR, of the University and of the productive and industrial world, not only in Tuscany. ICCOM currently has a Third Party Research Unit (URT), established in 2008 at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Trieste. The URT ensures solid skills in the applications of nanotechnologies to heterogeneous catalysis aimed at the development of new materials for use especially in the sector of energy production also from renewable sources. From 2014 to 2019 a second URT was also active with the School of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences of the University of Camerino, for skills in the field of chemistry of porous materials and coordination and organometallic polymers. Subsequently, the URT took on an interdepartmental character, involving the DSU, DSCTM and DSFTM departments of CNR.

In January 2025, the Institute had 104 staff units, among which 81 researchers (of whom 15 fixed-term ones), 2 technologists, 5 administration staff units and 16 technicians. To the scientific activities participate also external personnel associated to the different research activities (31), mainly coming from Universities, and overall 40 students, research fellows and trainees (PhD students, postdocs, visiting scientists).

Past Directors:

ISSECC: Prof. Luigi Sacconi (1979-1981); Prof. Oriano Salvetti; Prof. Alberto Vacca (1982-1991); Dr. Claudio Bianchini (1991-2001).

ICCOM: Dr. Claudio Bianchini (2001-2011); Dr. Maurizio Peruzzini (2011-2017); Dr. Francesco Vizza (2017-2022).

Past Institute Advisory Boards (CdI):

16/04/2009-15/04/2012. Dr. Giuliano Giambastiani, Dr. Luca Gonsalvi, Dr. Giovanni La Penna, Dr. Alessandro Mordini, Dr. Andrea Raffaelli, Mr. Francesco Bonaccini (admin. and techn. representative).

16/04/2012-15/03/2016 (Previous board extended on 16/11/2011, in agreement with CNR CdA deliberation 220/2011). Dr. Giuliano Giambastiani, Dr. Luca Gonsalvi, Dr. Giovanni La Penna (from 18/10/2012 Dr. Gianna Reginato), Dr. Alessandro Mordini, Dr. Andrea Raffaelli (from 10/04/2013 Dr. Alessandro Lami; from 10/07/2013 Dr. Francesco Vizza), Mr. Francesco Bonaccini (admin. and techn. representative, from 18/10/2012 Mrs. Manuela Cempini).

16/03/2016-15/03/2020. Dr. Cosimo Cardellicchio, Dr. Alessandro Ferretti, Dr. Luca Gonsalvi, Dr. Stefano Legnaioli, Dr. Alessandro Mordini, Dr. Francesco Vizza (from 07/02/2017 Dr Pierluigi Barbaro), Mrs. Manuela Cempini (admin. and techn. representative).

15/06/2020-14/06/2024: Dr. Pierluigi Barbaro, Dr. Cosimo Cardellicchio, Dr. Claudio Evangelisti, Dr. Andrea Ienco, Dr. Gianna Reginato, Dr. Fabrizio Santoro, Mrs. Caterina Monitillo (admin. and techn. representative), document prot. iccom n. 0001308 of 16/06/2020 and following integration document prot. iccom n. 0000488 of 01/03/2021.

Categories: History