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The Center for Electronic Microscopy (Ce.ME) is located in the CNR Research Area of ​​Sesto Fiorentino and began its activity on the initiative of Prof. Laura Bonzi in 2003. It is currently managed by CNR-ICCOM and is a center of electron microscopy with an interdisciplinary vocation that carries out service, consultancy, research, training and scientific dissemination activities. The Ce.M.E. is currently at the center of an extensive renovation project that it has carried out with the installation of a Dual Beam Microscope for 3D imaging and nano fabrication and which will continue over the next few months with the purchase of a high-resolution HRTEM electron microscope. The renewal project is being carried out thanks to an important contribution from the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, supplemented by funds made available by the national CNR, by Tuscan regional funds for research infrastructures and by funds found on the network through an extensive crowd-funding action.

Areas of application

The performance of services is carried out by means of state-of-the-art microscopes that produce crucial information in the fields of materials science, pharmaceuticals and life science. The instrumentation present at the Center allows to perform analysis in every field of scientific application such as metallurgy, coatings, nanomaterials and renewable energies, not least it allows to perform metrological investigations.


The Microscopy Center is equipped with a laboratory for sample preparation and related technical support services. The staff of the center provides an indispensable aid for the understanding and rationalization of the results, providing its extensive experience in communication with users from very different industries and disciplinary fields. It carries out an important training activity and acts as a cultural center for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of microscopy.


  • Field emission electron microscope complete with focused ion column Gaia 3Tescan with Edax microanalysis
  • Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope ESEM Quanta-200 FEI with hot and cold chamber and Edax microanalysis
  • Scanning Electron Microscope SEM XL 20 PHILIPS and CRYO-Gatan ALTO 2100 technology
  • Transmission Electron Microscope TEM CM 12 PHILIPS with Edax microanalysis and CRYO-Gatan technology UHRST 3500
  • Critical Point Dryer K850 Emithec; Turbo Chromium Sputter Coater K 575X Emithec; Freeze Drying K 750X Emitech; Cryo-ultramicrotomy system MT-XL/PC complete with CR-X RMC; Cryo-substitution system FS 7500 RMC

Permanent Staff

External Link


Categories: Ce.M.E.