PON Energies for the Environment – TARANTO
Title: Technology And pRocesses for the Abatement of pollutaNts and the remediation of conTaminated sites with raw materials recovery and production of energy tOtally green (TARANTO).
Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Caterina Fusco.
Project type: National – MIUR – PON.
Duration: 01/11/2018-30/04/2022.
Abstract: The project aims at the development of an ensemble of technologies suitable to generate renewable energy, and consequently achieve remediation effects in the polluted environmental compartments, thus favoring circular economy and decarbonization practices. The proposed innovative technologies intend to promote efficiency, transforming wastes ((waste water, sludge, biomass from remediation) in renewable energy sources, stimulating a profound reconsideration of how to produce and use energy and doing business.
Partnership: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR: IBAF-CNR, IC-CNR, ICCOM-CNR, IPCF-CNR, NANOTEC-CNR, ISMN-CNR, ITM-CNR, ICMATE-CNR, IMM-CNR; IRSA-CNR; CISA Spa (Massafra, Taranto); Biotec S.r.l. (Modugno, BA); Astra Engineering S.r.l. (Galatina, LE); COMFORT ECO S.r.l. (Surbo, LE); Ecopan S.r.l. (Taranto, TA); ICMEA S.r.l. (Corato, Ba); Socrate S.r.l. (Taranto, TA); Omnitech S.r.l. (Bari); Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO); Università degli Studi di Bari (UNIBA).
ICCOM Participants: Caterina Fusco, Cosimo Cardellicchio, Omar Hassan Omar, Stefania Roberta Cicco, Annarita Armenise.
Sponsored by: MIUR – PON RI 2014-2020; project code ARS01_00637.
Financial contribution (overall): 9.739.999,96 €.
Financial contribution (ICCOM): 130.000 €.