
Seminar Dr. F. Fanelli – Bari, 10/07/2024

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Wednesday 10 July 2024, 11.15 am. In presence in Room 5 of the Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, and in streaming on MicrosoftTeams. Dr. Fiorenza Fanelli, CNR-ICCOM Bari. Title: “Surface engineering using low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasmas—Opportunities at the interface” FLYER

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PRIN 2022 PNRR “In-MoTion”

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Title: Influence of dynaMics on the adsorption and Transport properties in polymeric materials for membrane technologies. ICCOM Principal Investigator: Elisa Carignani. Project type: National. Duration: 30/11/2023 – 29/11/2025.

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PRIN 2022 “ISoTOPe”

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Title: CombIning Solid State NMR and CrysTal Engineering: a novel approach to prObe Interfaces in 3D/2D Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskites. ICCOM Principal Investigator: Elisa Carignani. Project type: National. Duration: 16/10/2023 – 15/10/2025.

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Titolo: NMR under illumination sheds light on materials. ICCOM Principal Investigator: Silvia Borsacchi. Project type: National. Duration: 28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025.

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Nanoporous, ultralight aerogels from egg proteins.

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A recent study by researchers from the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds (CNR-ICCOM) and Institute of Nanosciences (CNR-NANO), in collaboration with colleagues from Princeton University, Aramco Research Center-Houston, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Trento and Queen Mary University of London, published in the journal Materials Today, demonstrated the possibility of transforming specific proteins (albumins) […]

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