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Titolo: NMR under illumination sheds light on materials.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Silvia Borsacchi.

Project type: National.

Duration: 28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025.

Abstract: Light-matter interaction is an extraordinary field of the scientific research with enormous effects on everybody day life, and its importance has been increasing in the framework of energy transition and sustainable advances of technology. NUTSHELL is a project aimed at developing, optimizing, and making available Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SSNMR) methods to study in real time the effects of illumination on the molecular and nanoscale properties of materials designed for interacting with light. The possibility of combining SSNMR, one of the most powerful techniques today available for the nanoscale characterization of materials, with illumination, opens the way to understand the operating mechanism of materials crucial for the energy transition and the technological progress. In NUTSHELL we will set-up and apply high resolution-high field experiments and low resolution-low field SSNMR measurements under illumination with light from NIR to UV-Vis to some representative photo-responsive materials, currently used in photovoltaics or as smart materials.

Coordinatore Marco Geppi, University of Pisa.

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, CNR-ISMN, University of Pisa.

ICCOM participants: Silvia Borsacchi.

Financed by: Projects MUR PRIN2022, project code no. 2022P3B4YJ.

Project overall budget: 200.000,00 €.

ICCOM budget: 80.000,00 €.

Categories: Active projects