
EnerCHEM junior prize 2023 awarded to Dr. Daniele Franchi

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Last week, during the 2nd EnerCHEM School, held in Florence from 13 to 17 February 2023, the fourth EnerCHEM Junior prize was awarded to Dr. Daniele Franchi, ICCOM-CNR researcher at the Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) site. The prize is awarded by the Interdivisional Group to a young researcher, who at the time of the II EnerCHEM […]

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Global Women’s Breakfast 2023 – Pisa 14/02/2023

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The Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB,, created by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) in 2019, is a successful yearly initiative, held in conjunction with the U.N. Day of Women and Girls in Science. Every year many (last year 400) events are held all over the world, with the aim of establishing an active network of both women and men to overcome […]

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Flying magnets, a journey between literature and science – Florence 17/12/2022

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As part of the agreement between the Galileo Museum and CNR-ICCOM, the event “Flying magnets, a journey between literature and science” will be presented on Saturday 17 December 2022 from 11.00 am. The laboratory is a part of the Museo Galileo events named “DALLA CONOSCENZA ALLA PRATICA SCIENTIFICA – percorsi laboratoriali sul saper fare” (from knowledge to […]

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Seminar Prof. W. Grochala – Florence 19/12/2022

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Monday 19th December 2022 at 15.00. Lecture Room 2, Building F, Florence CNR Research Area, Sesto Fiorentino (FI). Prof. Wojciech Grochala, Center of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Title: “Ag fluorides as a replacement for Cu oxides towards high–TC superconductivity”. FLYER

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Coloriamo l’Energia – Florence 03/12/2022

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Also this year, Museo Galileo, in collaboration with the Institute of Chemistry of OrganoMetallic Compounds (ICCOM) of the National Research Council (CNR) re-proposed  an appointment with “Coloriamo L’energia” on 3rd December 2022 at 11.00 am: a laboratory to trace the history of energy from the production of electric charges with the first electrostatic machines to […]

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Art and Science: a renewed synergy between CNR-ICCOM and OPA

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The treasures and goldsmiths of the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Pisa, the magnificent painted canvases and panels, the frescoes, the sculptures, the stones, the masonry, the mosaics, are just some of the works object of study and investigation by the researchers from the CNR-ICCOM Institute of Pisa (Simona Raneri, Giulia Lorenzetti, Stefano Legnaioli, Vincenzo […]

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IUPAC Day “The heritage of Alessandro Volta” – Como 24/10/2022

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Within the framework of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD), the Italian National Commission for IUPAC is organizing an one-day hybrid conference focused on electrochemistry and mainly directed to students and civic society in Italy. Thanks to the lectures of our colleagues Proff. Arbizzani, Fabbrizzi and Bella, the occasion will be […]

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Nanoporous, ultralight aerogels from egg proteins.

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A recent study by researchers from the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds (CNR-ICCOM) and Institute of Nanosciences (CNR-NANO), in collaboration with colleagues from Princeton University, Aramco Research Center-Houston, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Trento and Queen Mary University of London, published in the journal Materials Today, demonstrated the possibility of transforming specific proteins (albumins) […]

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BRIGHT NIGHT 2022 – The Colours of Energy – Florence, 30/09/2022

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CNR-ICCOM Firenze participates in the 2022 edition of BRIGHT NIGHT with a demonstration stand in Piazza S.S. Annunciata in Florence, on 30/09/2022 starting at 5.00 pm. CNR-ICCOM researchers will talk about the important role of Chemistry in the development of new photovoltaic technologies that will allow for alternatives to traditional photovoltaics. Solar cells with dyes […]

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CNR-ICCOM Pisa participates in BRIGHT NIGHT 2022 – 30/09/2022

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SAVE THE DATE: SEPTEMBER 30th BRIGHT-NIGHT 2022 AT CNR IN PISA Once again, CNR-ICCOM Pisa participates in BRIGHT-NIGHT, the European Night of Researchers and Researchers, in the 2022 Edition. The themes: 1. We support the planet 2. For a sustainable community 3. A better world for everyone 4. Let’s future 5. Research… in health! 6. […]

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