CNR-ICCOM Pisa participates in BRIGHT-NIGHT 2023 – Pisa, 09/29/2023

CNR-ICCOM Pisa participates in BRIGHT-NIGHT 2023 – Pisa, 09/29/2023

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Once again ICCOM Pisa participates in “Bright-Night – The Night of Researchers”.

In the morning the CNR research area of Pisa will organize a program dedicated to high schools, on scientific topics such as sustainability, biodiversity, ecological transition, digital transition, clean energy, circular economy and Life sciences. It is possible to view the program here: and participate, upon reservation.

The CNR program will continue in the afternoon with seminars, Bright Tech Talks and interactive workshops. ICCOM Pisa’s contributions:

  • Visit to the “ALS Lab”, Laser and Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory (Dr. Giulia Lorenzetti): It will be possible to visit the laboratory, with demonstrations on the techniques used for the study of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage and for Industrial and Environmental Diagnostics.
  • Bright Tech Talk ChimicAmaTerra (Dr. Silvia Borsacchi): Chemistry, often considered an enemy of the environment and health, is actually an enormous resource for the creation of an increasingly circular economy, a fundamental tool for building sustainable development.

Open laboratories:

  • Earthworms: an aid to waste management (Dr. Lucia Calucci): As a part of a multidisciplinary project that combined chemical and biological techniques and skills, ICCOM, IRET and IPCF, in collaboration with the company Scapigliato srl, tested and characterized the vermicomposting process of municipal solid waste, identifying the most promising process conditions for a sustainable transformation.
  • Innovative catalysts towards a more sustainable production of green hydrogen (Dr. Claudio Evangelisti, Dr. Emanuela Pitzalis, in collaboration with the company ERREDUE S.p.A): Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can play a key role in the energy transition, provided its production is carried out in a sustainable way starting from renewable sources and using catalysts in which critical elements are replaced with more sustainable ones.
  • Chemistry and magic (Dr. Beatrice Campanella, Dr. Emanuela Pitzalis): Interactive experiments, chemical traffic lights, science recipes, molecular gastronomy, color-changing solutions, colored crystals, oscillating reactions, natural indicators, and a lot of magic … chemistry.

The complete program can be read at the following link

Facebook page of the Research Area of the Cnr of Pisa –

CNR-ICCOM Pisa contact person: Dr. Emanuela Pitzalis (

Categories: Bright Night