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The Researchers’ Night, an initiative promoted by the European Commission, in Tuscany, is called BRIGHT-NIGHT: the acronym “Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in research” (Talented researchers have an impact on growth, health and trust in research) joins the word night. The result is a “brilliant night” for the commitment of researchers and the results of their work.

BRIGHT-NIGHT is supported by the Tuscany Region as part of Giovanisì, the regional project for the autonomy of young people, and includes Universities of Florence, Pisa and Siena, University for Foreigners of Siena, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, in collaboration with the National Research Council (CNR), National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF).

The themes at the center of the 2021 edition touch all fields of science and culture, with particular attention to that of social and environmental sustainability in reference to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the 20th anniversary of the European Charter of Rights through mini conferences. , contests, virtual visits, experiments, documentaries and workshops.

CNR-ICCOM Florence 2021 activities

Research Pathways

Biblioteca Ragionieri – Sesto Fiorentino, 24 settembre 2021 ore 20-22:30.

A series of workstations have been set up where you can meet researchers, browse the tools and tools of the trade and get to know the world of science up close.

Among the topics proposed:

  • Chemistry for Energy: solar cells, fuel cells, hydrogen (CNR-ICCOM);
  • Books and libraries (CNR-ICCOM and CNR-ISPC);
  • Playing with Science (CNR-ICCOM and Gruppo Divulgazione Area di Ricerca CNR Firenze)

For more information:

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180 seconds of Science.

Biblioteca Ragionieri – Sesto Fiorentino, 24 settembre 2021 ore 20-22:30.

Although in the collective imagination the scientist is typically the chemist with test tubes or the biologist with the microscope, scientists, or rather researchers, do much more varied and different work, often much less fascinating than one thinks. This is told by researchers from the Florence Research Area of the CNR and the LaMMA Consortium. In just 3 minutes and without the aid of presentations and video supports, researchers will try their hand at narrating science with different themes and perspectives. The seminars of the CNR-ICCOM researchers are as follows:

  • Chemistry: a question of feeling (Dr. Alessio Dessì).
  • Chemical hunger. The need for chemical elements of today’s society (Dr. Andrea Marchionni)
  • The journey of plastic (Dr. Carmen Moreno-Marrodán)

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CNR-ICCOM Pisa 2020-2021 activities

CNR-ICCOM Pisa has participated regularly since 2014 in the preparation of the Bright Night event at the Research Area of ​​Pisa. The event took place entirely online in 2020 and with a “mixed” format in 2021, with online contributions and interventions in the city.

A website has been created ( which allows the public and schools to choose the contents of interest such as pre-recorded seminars, webinars, guided tours in the laboratories of the various institutes, science recipes and mini -Ted, still available also on the Youtube channel of the Research Area of ​​the CNR of Pisa (, on the social channels of Bright Toscana and on the radio program Aula 40 ( Particular attention was paid to the creation of short and captivating presentations, which used a simple and direct language, without however trivializing the contents, to entertain and amuse even the youngest with scientific “issues”.

CNR-ICCOM Pisa participated in the event in 2020 with various contributions available online, such as:

  • Interdisciplinary activity of the WoW group – Win on Waste, by Drs Francesca Cicogna, Serena Coiai and Elisa Passaglia (;
  • Online seminars, that can be viewed below (in Italian):
    • “Food…not only calories!” (Dr. Emilia Bramanti)
      • “Enzymes, fantastic molecules!” (Dr. Emilia Bramanti)

      • “ChimicAmaTerra” (Dr. Silvia Borsacchi)

In the 2021 edition, the seminar “The Physics of Olympiads”  was held by Dr. Vincenzo Palleschi.

  • Virtual Experiments: catalyst preparation with the MVS reactor (Dr. Claudio Evangelisti)

  • Science recipes, with short and fun experiments for the youngest, by Drs Beatrice Campanella and Emanuela Pitzalis.
  • Co-production of a webinar in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa, entitled: “Atomic nuclei: nuclear but not too much”.

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Categories: Bright Night