ICCOM Pisa partecipates in BRIGHT NIGHT 2020
The Research Area of the CNR of Pisa participates in the European event Bright Night 2020, the night of researchers, even this year, so difficult for everyone and extremely painful for many people, to give a sign of recovery. Compared to the past, Covid19 has forced some changes: the date of the main event has been postponed to Friday 27 November. A new format has been designed and created, with respect to the rules dictated by the DPCM.
A website has been created (https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/) which will allow the public and schools to choose the contents of interest such as pre-recorded seminars, webinars (live seminars), guided tours in the laboratories of the various institutes, Science recipes, and mini-Ted. All this will also be available on the Youtube channel of the Research Area of the CNR of Pisa (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1vIEBWtn9HQxy4JofTvHCg) and on the social channels of Bright Toscana, of the Institutes of the CNR of Pisa, and of the radio program Aula 40 (https://www.facebook.com/RadioAula40).
ICCOM Pisa participates in the event with several activities:
1) Interdisciplinary activity of the WoW group – Win on Waste (Drs Francesca Cicogna, Serena Coiai and Elisa Passaglia of ICCOM, together with researchers from other institutes in the Pisa research area). The proposed activity deals with the waste management, and especially with the plastic litters. The aim is to increase our knowledge and awareness about this subject. We propose a 10 steps route that is designed with the aim to show different points of view of this important subject. The videos are realized by researchers and technicians that everyday work in plastic research projects and in plastic pollution by using different approaches in their studies. This gives the opportunity to show that this subject can be examined under different aspects and under different point of views. At the end of each video, we proposed some evaluation tests that allow to get “10 in Rifiutologia”. Video n. 3, “10 e lode in Rifiutologia, realised by ICCOM Researchers Francesca Cicogna, Serena Coiai and Elisa Passaglia, is available at the followng link: https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/riconoscimento-e-riciclo-riconoscimento/ More info at: https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/wow-win-on-waste-2/2)
2) Seminars (Dr. Emilia Bramanti). “Food … not just calories!” Calories of the foods we eat are a useful way to define the energy supply of food to the body. However, our digestive system is not a “stove”. The human body is a perfect “integrated system” and food not only serves to give us the energy necessary for survival but serves to “build” and repair tissues, stimulates specific hormonal reactions and is useful to grow in our intestine billions of bacteria that live with us. Do you know how many bacteria we have in our intestine? One kilo and 200 grams! Basically the weight of our brain! Eating “well” is also equivalent to… choosing which bacteria to grow. https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/cibo-non-solo-calorie
“Enzymes: fantastic molecules!” There are billions of proteins in the human body: if a protein were the size of a penny, all the proteins in the human body would fill Pacific Ocean. 80% of these proteins are enzymes and life depends on them. Enzymes transform molecules into other molecules. Almost all the chemical reactions that take place in cells and in our body are favored and accelerated by enzymes. https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/enzimi-molecole-fantastiche/
3) Seminar “ChimicAmaTerra” (Dr. Silvia Borsacchi) Let’s remove that veil from chemistry that makes it unfairly fearful to the eyes of many. Chemistry is a huge resource to help our planet and make our whole life more sustainable. In this contribution a message will be presented, our work… and a game by the italian IUPAC group (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry), for a chemistry that loves the Earth. https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/chimicamaterra/
4) Virtual laboratory (Dr. Claudio Evangelisti). Nanostructured metal catalysts for sustainable processes. The synthetic approach known as MVS (Metal Vapor Synthesis) will be described, which allows the preparation of metal nanoparticles of controlled size and composition starting from metal vapor generated under high vacuum in the presence of organic solvents. This method allows to obtain highly efficient and selective solid catalysts (eg powders, monoliths, membranes), for low environmental impact processes. https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/visita-al-reattore-mvs/
5) Science Recipes for the youngest (Dr. Beatrice Campanella and Dr. Emanuela Pitzalis). A format dedicated to children with many “recipes” of scientific experiments to be carried out together with their parents, perfect in a period like this one, when we are forced to stay at home. In science recipes, the researcher explains step by step how to carry out simple scientific experiments at home, starting with the ingredients up to a finished product, just like you do to cook a dish.
- “A homemade pH indicator” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/un-indicato-di-ph-fatto-in-casa/
- “The chemistry of turmeric” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/la-chimica-della-curcuma/
- “Molecular gastronomy” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/gastronomia-molecolare/
- “A non-fluid fluid” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/un-fluido-non-fluido/
- “The chemistry of milk” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/la-chimica-del-latte/
- “How to peel a raw egg” https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/title/come-sgusciare-un-uovo-crudo/
Finally, some researchers of the Institute will contribute to a webinar in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa, “Atomic nuclei: nuclear but not too much“.
Contact person: emanuela.pitzalis@pi.iccom.cnr.it
More info at: https://nottedeiricercatori.pisa.it/