WoW – Win on Waste

WoW – Win on Waste

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Over the years, the issue of waste management and disposal has taken on an ever greater dimension at national and international level. In addition to the need to promote an economy capable of minimizing the production of waste by encouraging reduction and reuse, it is also important to support research towards the development of “green” materials that have a zero impact on the environment both in terms of production and end of life, for example by promoting the recycling of plastic materials through an adequate recovery of the same and enhancing waste materials. No less important are the information and training initiatives aimed at changing lifestyles: education for sustainable development today becomes a strategic objective for the present and future of the human species.

It is with this in mind that, for the Researchers’ Night at the Pisa Research Area, a path dedicated to environmental awareness was developed.

The Win On Waste group was born in 2018 from the will and commitment of researchers and technicians of nine institutes of the CNR of Pisa (ICCOM, IBBA, IBF, IFC, IGG, IIT, IPCF, IRET, ISTI) and one of La Spezia (ISMAR).

The presentation video of WoW – Win on Waste (in Italian) is shown here:

For more information:

In the Bright Night 2020 edition, the proposed activity had as its main topic the theme of waste, especially plastic waste, and aims to raise awareness and improve the level of knowledge of each of us on this issue. The path is divided into 10 videos designed to highlight different aspects of this very important theme and were created by researchers and technicians who deal with these topics on a daily basis. At the end of each video, evaluation tests were proposed through the internet, which allowed to obtain an evaluation from 1 to 10 in “Refusal”.

The video n. 3 of the course, entitled “Recognition of plastics and their possible recycling”, by ICCOM-CNR researchers Francesca Cicogna, Serena Coiai and Elisa Passaglia, is available at the link: recognition-and-recycling-recognition /

In the Bright Night 2021 edition, the proposed activity is entitled “I’LL WoW The video pills that are good for the environment”. In short videos we tried to answer some of the most frequent doubts regarding the environment, pollution, alternative solutions, virtuous behaviors for the protection of the environment. The video pills (in Italian): “What does it mean to recycle plastic?” and “How are plastics separated?”, by CNR-ICCOM researchers Francesca Cicogna and Serena Coiai are available below:


Categories: Bright Night