PRIN 2022 PNRR “HyPerMag”
Title: HYbrid ferrite nanocomposites for novel Rare-earth free PERmanent MAGnets.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Claudio Sangregorio.
Project type: National.
Duration: 30/11/2023 – 29/11/2025.
Abstract: HyPerMag aims at realizing a novel class of REE-free permanent magnets based on hybrid nanocomposites where a soft and a hard nanometric phase are coupled at the nanoscale either by exchange or by dipolar coupling. To reach this ambitious result HyPerMag will explore three different approaches: i) preparation of exchange coupled nanocomposites comprising hard and soft nanometric hexaferrite phases obtained by controlled metal substitution; ii) synthesis of core-shell hard-soft hybrid nanostructures; iii) realization of a hybrid composite made up of a nanometric Sr-ferrite and soft metal alloy nanowires s coupled by dipolar interaction. The hybrid powders will be used for fabricating both bonded and dense permanent magnets with improved energy product with respect to commercial products based on Alnico or ferrites.
Coordinator: Cesar De Julian Fernandez (CNR-IMEM).
Partnership: CNR (institutes CNR-IMEM, CNR-ICCOM, CNR-ISM; PI Cesar De Julian Fernandez, CNR-IMEM), University of Venice, University of Bologna, University of Genoa.
ICCOM participants: Claudio Sangregorio.
Financed by: MUR Projects PRIN 2022 PNRR, project code no. P2022RRRT4.
Project overall budget: € 224.983,00.
ICCOM budget: € 49.730,00.