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Title: Leonardo Automated Manufacturing Processes for cOmposites.

ICCOM Principal Investigators: Elisa Passaglia, Pierluigi Barbaro.

Project type: National.

Duration: 01/11/2019-12/07/2024.

Abstract: LAMPO is aimed at simplifying the production process of vertical and horizontal stabilizers making it leaner, faster and cheaper through the study and development of automatic systems for detecting and repairing defects that can be accidentally introduced during the material production process ( long fiber and polymer matrix composites). ICCOM’s activities are described in OR5 – Materials, Processes and Technologies for the future and will be focused on the characterization of PAN polymers and precursors for carbon fibers (CF) and their covering / grafting, as well as the study of new monomers for thermosetting resins from renewable sources and methods for re-using composites at the end of their life.

Coordinator: Nicola Gallo (Leonardo S.p.A.).

Partnership: Leonardo S.p.A. (coordinating partner); Aviorec s.r.l; MAE S.p.A.; CNR (ICCOM, IPCB, SCITEC, ISTEC, ICMATE, STIIMA, ISASI, IREA).

ICCOM participants: Elisa Passaglia, Serena Coiai, Francesca Cicogna, Roberto Spiniello, Claudia Forte, Emanuela Pitzalis, Claudio Evangelisti, Lucia Calucci, Marco Mascherpa, Pierluigi Barbaro, Francesca Liguori, Werner Oberhauser, Alessandro Lavacchi.

Financed by: Programma di Sviluppo Industriale (art. 9 del Decreto del Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico del 09.12.2014), within the Contratto Istituzionale di Sviluppo (CIS) for the Foggia area, named “CIS Capitanata” (DPCM 20.02.2019). Directed by INVITALIA S.p.A., project code n. CDS000750; contract no. LDO/DGE/A/0046328/20.

Project total budget: 42.042.800,00 €

ICCOM budget: 206.608,55 €

Categories: Ended projects