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Title: Investigations for Images.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Stefano Legnaioli.

Project Type: National.

Duration: 20/02/2022 – 19/02/2024.

Abstract: The aim of I><I project is to increase the knowledge useful for the identification of historical photographs and photographic processes beyond microscopy, the current standard methodology for studying photographs. Through the systematic use of instrumental methods and analytical advanced techniques, I><I aims to define and understand the chemical-physical processes involved in the processing and post-processing of photographs. The interest in the analysis of photographic material has been developed only recently. A thorough knowledge of their chemical-physical characteristics is fundamental for their cataloguing, restoration, and eventual exposure. In parallel with the drafting and application of the operating methods, a database will be created containing information regarding the elementary and stratigraphic composition of the objects studied and their current state of conservation. In addition, information will be collected on the techniques that have been applied in the various steps of the realization of the photographic material. It will also be possible to program and monitor the photographic material of interest, encouraging the use of portable equipment.

Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, Archivio di Stato di Siena, SABAP-PI.

ICCOM participants: Beatrice Campanella, Stefano Legnaioli.

Financed by: Tuscany Region through “2021 Research Grants” Fund for Development Call.

Project total budget:  € 36.000,00.

ICCOM total budget:  € 36.000,00.

Categories: Ended projects