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Title: Naturalised dyes replacing commercial colorants for environmentally friendy leather dyeing and water recycle

ICCOM Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator: Alessandro D’Ulivo

Project type: International – Life2012 ENV/IT000352

Duration: 01/2014-06/2016


Abstract: The BioNaD project will aim at demonstrating the use of a new category of dyes, as innovative colorants for the leather industry. These compounds are named naturalised dyes, meaning chemical species resulting from the linkage between a dye and the sugar lactose, obtained from waste milk serum. The goal of BioNaD will be the replacement of current commercial products, in order to establish a significantly eco-sustainable and convenient business for companies. The specific technical goals of the project will be verified in a series of actions, demonstrating the dyeing efficacy of naturalised dyes, capable of substituting acid dyes normally used in the dyeing process for leather. Further, bacteria based degradation of dyeing effluent wastewaters will be the downstream goal of the project, in order to allow the recycle of water and thus the reduction of its consumption. BioNaD will bring major contributions to the protection of the environment and will act primarily for a sustainable development of the leather business.

Other ICCOM participants: Emilia Bramanti, Massimo Onor, Marco Mascherpa, Emanuela Pitzalis, Manuela Cempini.

Partnership: Dipartimento di Chimica Ugo Schiff, Università di Firenze (I), Inescop, Center for Technology and Innovation (E), Serichim s.r.l., (I), Gruppo Biokimica S.p.A (I)

Sponsored by: European Union, LIFE12 ENV/IT/000352

Financial contribution (overall): 1.469.056 €

Financial contribution for ICCOM: 475.540 €

Categories: Ended projects
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