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Title: Biomimetic CO2 Fixation and Utilization for Formate Production.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Massimo Calamante.

Project type: International.

Duration: 15/12/2024 – 14/12/2027.

Abstract: BIOCUF seeks to develop and demonstrate a biotechnological CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) technology using carbonic anhydrase and formate dehydrogenase coupled enzymatic cascade reaction in a phase-change solvent solution, while simultaneously transforming the captured CO2 into formate, which can then be converted into higher value-added products. BIOCUF offers a clean technology solution to accelerate CCU in the value chain in a cost and energy efficient manner to reduce CO2 emissions.

Coordinator: Prof. Barıs Binay, Gebze Technical University (Turchia).

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, CNR-SCITEC, Cicci Research Srl, Gebze Technical University, Kafkas University (Turchia), Tampere University (Finlandia), Agricultural University of Athens (Grecia), Centre for research and Technology Hellas- CERTH, (Grecia).

ICCOM participants: Massimo Calamante, Lorenzo Zani, Daniele Franchi, Alessio Dessì, Alessandro Mordini.

Financed by: MIMIT – Call “CETPartnership 2023 – Clean Energy Transition Partnership”, project code no.  Cetp-FP-2023-00217.

Project overall budget: € 815.804.

Project ICCOM budget: € 130.000.

Categories: Active projects