XVIII national conference on Pericyclic reactions and synthesis of Hetero- and Carbocycles – Florence 28-29/10/2021
The 18th Conference on Pericyclic Reactions and Synthesis of Hetero- and Carbocyclic Systems will be held in Florence on 28 and 29 October 2021. Participation is free. This edition of the conference will see the work carried out in the lecture hall of the University of Florence located in Piazza San Marco in the center of Florence.
The inter-university Center “Pericyclic reactions and synthesis of hetero- and carbocyclic systems” on a biennial basis, organizes this scientific meeting with the aim, not only of bringing together the members of the Center, but also of attracting colleagues interested in similar types of research, to exchange information on the latest results and promote activities in the sector. Research groups from the Universities of Catania, Florence, Insubria, Messina, Milan, Naples Federico II, Pavia, Perugia, Siena and Basilicata belong to the Center, established in 1992. The activity of the Center is mainly to foster the scientific connection of researchers sharing an interest in pericyclic reactions in their various synthetic, mechanistic and applicative aspects, and more generally involved in the synthesis of hetero and carbocyclic compounds.
The conference traditionally favors the interventions of younger researchers in the form of communications. The first of these conferences dates back to 1978, the last was organized in November 2019 in Pavia.
More information at the website: https://www.chim.unifi.it/p581.html