The LIBS Award 2019 assigned to Dr. V. Palleschi

The LIBS Award 2019 assigned to Dr. V. Palleschi

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The Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the CIS XLI-L LAMLIBS Local Organizing Committee awarded Dr. Vincenzo Palleschi, ICCOM-CNR Senior Researcher, the LIBS Award 2019 for his outstanding scientific contribution and his commitment to the education and dissemination of the LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) spectroscopy technique. The Prize was awarded during the Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XLI (CSIXLI) and first Latin-American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LAMLIBS), which was held in Mexico City from 9 to 14 June 2019.


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