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Title: Transformation of plastic waste in Electrocatalysts, Supported by exhausted gases recovery Layout.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Jonathan Filippi.

Project type: National.

Duration: 01/06/2023 – 31/05/2026.

Abstract: Waste plastic is an unresolved problem of the society as only part of it is reused or recycled and unfortunately often it ends into water bodies or the environment. This proposal has several aims for transforming waste plastic into useful solid and gases by valorizing each step process and transform a waste into a useful resource.  This proposal aims to: i) characterize the waste plastics recovered from local urban waste management organizations and homogenize them; ii) transform the waste plastic that is disposed in landfill of incinerated into valuable solid electrocatalysts for hydrogen production or conversion systems through pyrolysis processes; iii) valorize the high temperature exhausted gases as heat source of a thermal engine that will be utilized for electricity generation; iv) transform the carbon dioxide (CO2) electrochemically into valuable carbon monoxide (CO), a gas widely used for industrial purposes.

Coordinator: Prof. Mario Santoro, Universitày Milano Bicocca,

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, University Milano Bicocca, University of Brescia.

ICCOM participants: Jonathan Filippi, Alessandro Lavacchi.

Financed by: CARIPLO Foundation.

Project overall budget: 300.000,00 €.

ICCOM budget: 62.000,00 €.

Categories: Active projects