Title: Fluorescent materials for the enhancement of the photosynthetic efficiency and their application in plant growing.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Alessandro Mordini.
Project type: National.
Duration: 16/03/2020 – 30/11/2021.
Abstract: This project aims to provide a sustainable solution to intensify crop production by increasing the efficiency of the photosynthetic process. In particular, we envision the possibility of synthesizing, characterizing and using suitable emissive molecular dyes to broaden the absorption capability of the photosynthetic pigments. The maximized light uptake of the plants will enable for increased conversion of light into chemical energy.
Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, University of Siena, University of Pisa, CREA-VIV.
ICCOM participants: Alessandro Mordini (PI), Giulio Goti (beneficiary fellow), Massimo Calamante, Alessio Dessì, Gianna Reginato, Lorenzo Zani.
Sponsorhsip: Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation.
Financial contribution (overall): € 56.250.
Financial contribution (ICCOM): € 56.250.