Stefano Legnaioli

Senior Researcher



Phone: +39 050 315 2221

Site: Pisa

Address: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa

Personal website


Education: 2002: Degree in Physics at the University of Pisa (UNIPI); 2006: PhD in Chemical Sciences at the University of Florence; 2011: Master degree on Innovation and Knowledge Transfer (MIT) at the School of Management MIP, Politecnico of Milano.

Work experience: 
2002-2008: fellow at the IPCF-CNR; 2008-2012: Fixed-term Researcher at ICCOM; 2012-2022: Researcher at ICCOM; Present position: since 2023: Senior Researcher at ICCOM (Pisa).

Other: Delegate of the INSTM (National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology) at the National Steering Committee and scientific referent for the project IPERION; Responsible of the module MD.P01.023.001 / Optic Spectroscopy for the material characterization at the ICCOM- CNR. Member of the Italian delegation at the l’INDO–ITALIAN Workshop on Molecular Nanophotonics-24-26, July 2013, organized by the Italian Embassy. Secretary at the XL Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale and IX EMSLIBS in Pisa 2017 Award: 2013 2nd classified “CNR Innovation Award” with the project “CNR INNOVATION MALL”; 2010 best paper published on Spettrochimica Acta Part B Volume 65 (Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Beyond the McWhirter criterion).

Management: Project active management of a number of research projects both at national and international level (MIUR PRIN, PARFAS, PARFESR, FP7); in particular he was coordinator in the bilateral project Italy-Serbia MACH funded by MAECI; POR FSE 2014-2020 INDACO and IXI funded by Regione Toscana; the CNR research unit of MIUR PRIN2015 and PRIN 2020; FOE 2012 “SM@RTINFRA”; EU-FP7 ENV.2013.6.3-1 ENV.2013.6.2-3 “SHREDDERSORT” and several contracts with public and private enterprises. He participated to the organization of stages, seminars, training courses and congresses.

Teaching: organization of stages, seminars, training courses and congresses ; thesis supervisor for several degree graduations and PHD at the University of Pisa and at the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences, Cairo University, (Egypt).

Publications Coauthor of more than 160 papers on international peer-review journals.

Bibliometric data (Scopus 01/12/2021): 162 documents, 4749 total citations, 2704 citing articles, h-index: 37.

Research Interests: spectroscopic techniques (LIBS, RAMAN, XRF, Multispectral Imaging) applied to Cultural Heritage (Pigment analysis, Analysis of ceramics, Archeo-metallurgy, Bronzes, Golden jewels, Control of laser cleaning processes, Analysis of paper and manuscripts), Environmental (Quantitative analysis of pollutants in industrial smokes, Analysis of polluted soils and water), Bio-medicine (Hair mineral content analysis by LIBS, SERS analysis of exosome) and material characterization (Quantitative analysis of metallic alloys, Aluminium alloys, Steels, Study of semi-conductors, Gold caratage determination in precious alloys) such as monitoring of industrial processes.

Based on the classification of the European Research Council, its research activity can be classified within the following sectors: PE2, PE4, SH5_1, SH6_1.

Scientific identifiers: