Laboratory of Applied Laser Spectroscopy (ALS-Lab)
The Applied and Laser Spectroscopy Laboratory (ALS-Lab) began its activity in the last years of the last century within the former Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics of the CNR. Since 2010 it has been part of the CNR-ICCOM secondary structure in Pisa. The Laboratory has decades of experience in optics and spectroscopy, and in particular in in situ applications of spectrochemical methodologies for the study of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage and for Industrial and Environmental Diagnostics. The Laboratory is currently involved in three projects under PRIN 2020 (one of which as National Coordinator), two international cooperation projects for the study and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Serbia and Montenegro, and a project of the Tuscany region for the study of microplastics in the sea.
Areas of application
- Material Analysis
- Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
- Geological materials
- Forensic Science
- Biological materials
- Environmental diagnostics
- Industrial processes diagnostics
- Nanoplasmonics
- Analytical Chemistry
- Laser spectroscopy
- X-Ray spectroscopy
- Microscopy
- Image treatment
- Chemometrics
- Raman spectrometer Renishaw inVia (three laser lines + mapping)
- Portable Raman spectrometer B&W iRaman+
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Spectrometer
- Mobile LIBS spectrometer Marwan Modì + mapping
- Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument Bruker Elio
- Multispectral Camera Moravian for imaging UV/Vis/IR
- FT-IR microspectrometer
- Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) system
- Drone for 3D aerial photogrammetric reconstruction
Permanent staff
- Beatrice Campanella, Researcher
- Stefano Legnaioli, Senior Researcher
- Giulia Lorenzetti, Senior Researcher
- Vincenzo Palleschi, Research Director
- Simona Raneri, Researcher