Title: Training of young researchers in chemical recycling processes of waste plastics and synthetic fabrics for the production of monomers with high market value.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Pierluigi Barbaro.
Project type: National.
Duration: gg/mm/2023 – gg/mm/2025.
Abstract: The RICHPLAST Project aims to promote the advanced training of young researchers in the field of sustainable chemistry related to the circular economy through the study of innovative processes for the high-efficiency chemical recycling of waste plastic and synthetic textile materials, for the creation of new methods and technologies for reusing polymeric materials. In detail, new catalytic depolymerization methods will be studied, both in the heterogeneous and homogeneous phase, of some widely used polymeric materials such as polyesters, polyhydroxyalkanoates and polyamides present in end-of-life packaging plastics and in waste synthetic textile materials. The possible effects concern the advancement of scientific knowledge at a national and international level and the possibility of providing technological solutions, of possible interest to the entrepreneurship of the Tuscan territory, where various companies deal with the recovery and recycling of waste from plastic and textile materials of waste.
ICCOM participants: Pierluigi Barbaro, Luca Gonsalvi, Antonella Guerriero, Francesca Liguori, Maria Carmen Moreno-Marrodan, Werner Oberhauser.
Financed by: Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation, Call “Ricercatori a Firenze 2023”.
Project overall budget: 50.000,00 €.
ICCOM budget: 50.000,00 €.