RdS Heat Storage
Webiste: www.ricercadisistema.it/#/page/Accordi di Programma/CNR
Abstract: Aim of the project is the development of advanced heat storage materials for power-to-heat applications. In particular, the activity is focused on the thermodynamic and dynamic analysis of the heat storage systems, on the identification and characterization of promising materials for thermochemical heat storage as well as FEM analysis of the heat storage system.
Coordinator: Vincenzo Antonucci, ITAE-CNR.
Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, ITAE-CNR.
ICCOM participants: Angelo Freni, Emilia Bramanti, Silvia Pizzanelli, Beatrice Campanella.
Financed by: Accordo di Programma tra MiSE-CNR – Piano della Ricerca di sistema elettrico 2019-2021 – Tema di ricerca 1.2 Sistemi di accumulo, compresi elettrochimico e power to gas, e relative interfacce con le reti, project code no. DIT.AD017.113.
Project total budge: € 354.345,67
ICCOM total budget: € 40.000,00