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Title: Vesicles investigation through advanced spectroscopic and microscopic techniques for ocular drug delivery.

Referente ICCOM: Mariangela Di Donato.

Tipologia di Progetto: Nazionale.

Durata: 30/11/2023 – 29/11/2025.

Abstract: In this project we will use a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to correlate the role of vesicle flexibility with their capability to diffuse across tissues. The main goal is the nanocarriers optimization for drug delivery applications in ocular tissues, in particular the implementation of lipidic nanovesicles for neuroprotective agents delivery to the retina.  One of the main advantages of spectroscopy and micro-spectroscopy is the capability to characterize the vesicles in their native form and in a contactless manner, meaning that they are non-invasive and non-destructive techniques. Indeed, spectroscopic techniques allow us to measure biologic samples in situ directly in their physiological conditions and do not require sample preparation, such as stabilization into matrices or freeze-drying treatment. Optical methods allow a characterization of nanocarriers in different environments: solvent buffer, matrices, hydrogels and tissues. Exploiting the different expertise of the involved research units, VISIO will develop new approaches for the investigation of nanovesicle deformability. Nanovesicles prepared with different components able to affect their rigidity and deformability will be prepared by UNIPR-PHARMA. The CNR expertise in ultrafast and multidimensional spectroscopy will provide invaluable information on deformability properties through visible and infrared non-linear techniques. UNIPR-CHEM will provide expertise in the spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent nanocarriers and in multiphoton microscopy.

Coordinator: Alessandro Iagatti (CNR-INO) .

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, CNR-INO, University of Parma.

ICCOM participants: Mariangela Di Donato.

Financed by: Projects MUR PRIN 2022 PNRR, project code no. P2022ALSMP.

Project overall budget: 239.607,00 €.

CNR budget: 81.367,00 €.

Categories: Active projects