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Title: moleCular dimeRs fOr QuantUm Error correcTion on the surface.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Lorenzo Poggini.

Project type: National.

Duration: 16/10/2023 – 15/10/2025.

Abstract:  Quantum computers, simulators and sensors are a vibrant part of the EU Quantum Technologies Flagship and constitute a very active research field. Many steps towards the achievement of viable systems have been accomplished, but a great deal is still left to do. One big obstacle towards quantum supremacy is to protect quantum information from the occurrence of errors, while ensuring scalability in increasingly complex quantum processors. Our project, CROQUET, has the bold objective of creating suitable molecular entities, by exploiting coordination chemistry, for implementing quantum error correction schemes both in the bulk phase and on thick (500 nm) and thin (50 nm) films of molecules, to experimentally establish qudit-based quantum error correction protocols on Lanthanide-Transition Metal (Ln-TM) dimers complexes. Of course, the surface modification constitutes another degree of freedom that we aim to exploit in this study. Our Ln-TM dimers spin structures should allow the implementation of a two-qudit solid state logic gates, where each qudit is able to also sustain quantum error correction schemes.

Coordinator: Lorenzo Poggini (CNR-ICCOM).

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, University of Florence, University of Parma, University of Turin.

ICCOM participants: Lorenzo Poggini.

Financed by: Projects MUR PRIN 2022, project code no. 2022L57S28.

Project overall budget: 203.751,00 €.

ICCOM budget: 52.584,00 €.

Categories: Active projects