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Title: Conjugated organic-inorganic two-dimensional halide perovskite for stable solar cells and modules.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Gianna Reginato.

Project type; National.

Duration: 16/10/2023 – 15/10/2025.

Abstract: CONPER’s main objective is to demonstrate two-dimensional (2D) solar cells exploiting 2D halide perovskite with large conjugated organic cations able to efficiently transfer charge between layers. The use of 2D perovskite increases the stability of the cell while the introduction of conjugated organic cation connecting the 2D layers will permit to solve a long standing problem, that is the reduction of layer conductivity caused by the aliphatic cations typically used for 2D perovskite. To reach its main goal, CONPER will focus on the design and synthesis of new organic diammonium spacers featuring different aromatic cores as central units: their higher dielectric constant in comparison with fully aliphatic species should improve the electric conductibility of the layer, while the double cationic architecture should impart high stability and robustness to the resulting 2D-phases. In addition, new hole-transporting materials capable of forming self-assembled monolayers (SAM) on ITO, especially suited for use in combination with 2D perovskites, will be designed and synthetized. In order to define the accurate structure of the developed 2D-perovskite we will make use of advanced X-ray characterizations: the as derived structural information will be exploited to improve the steps of film preparation.

Coordinator: Prof. Aldo di Carlo (University Rome Tor Vergata).

Partnership: CNR-IC (CNR RU, PI Anna Moliterni), CNR-ICCOM, University Rome Tor Vergata.

ICCOM participants: Lorenzo Zani, Alessio Dessì, Gianna Reginato.

Financed by: Projects MUR PRIN 2022, project code no. 2022CBBEHN.

Project overall budget: 201.887,00 €.

ICCOM budget: 67.425,00 €.

Categories: Active projects