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Title: Biomass-derived alcohols and polyols valorization and use by dehydrogenation/hydrogenation reactions promoted by bifunctional and proton-responsive homogeneous catalysts.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Luca Gonsalvi.

Project type: National.

Duration: 16/10/2023 – 15/10/2025.

Abstract: Alcohols derived from biomass (bioethanol) and polyols (glycerol, glucose and other monosaccharides) represent a class of abundant natural raw materials that can be exploited in the presence of suitable catalysts to obtain 1-butanol and higher alcohols and to generate hydrogen. The focus of the Project will be to design and apply, for the desired reactions, libraries of bifunctional and proton-responsive homogeneous dehydrogenation/hydrogenation catalysts, able to decrease the energy demand of the processes through metal-ligand cooperation and/or proton shuttling . The most active polyol dehydrogenation systems will be used as in situ hydrogen sources for the reduction of CO2 and derivatives (carbamates, ureas) into formates or methanol. The Project will guarantee an advanced training in fundamental and applied research for young researchers, offering a unified vision of catalyst design and applicability, in the current fields of green chemistry for the valorisation of biomass-derived raw materials, hydrogen production and sustainable CO2 reduction.

Coordinator: Luca Gonsalvi (CNR-ICCOM).

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, University of Bologna.

ICCOM participants: Francesco Barzagli, Antonella Guerriero, Luca Gonsalvi.

Financed by: Projects MUR PRIN2022, project code no. 20225N5T5B.

Project overall budget: 169.843 €.

ICCOM budget: 90.034 €.

Categories: Active projects