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Title: Air Conditioning of Electric vehicles by Sorption Thermal Energy Storage technology.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Angelo Freni.

Project Type: National.

Duration: 28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025.

Abstract: Aim of the project is the design realization and experimental testing of a Sorption Thermal Energy Storage system (STES) for Electric Vehicles (EV). The activities are focused on the developed and characterization on novel composite sorbent materials suitable for thermochemical heat storage, the modelling and design of the STES system for EV, the realization of a lab-scale proof of concept and its experimental testing under realistic operating conditions.

Coordinatore: Prof. Stefano De Antonellis (Polytechnic of Milan).

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, Polytechnic of Milan, University of Messina.

ICCOM participants: Angelo Freni.

Financed by: Prjects MUR PRIN 2022, project code no. 2022PCCCH9.

Project overall budget: 197.088,00 €.

ICCOM budget: 64.103,00 €.

Categories: Active projects