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Title: A multi-analytic approach to the study, conservation and valorization of the underground historical environment and the surrounding landscape.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Vincenzo Palleschi.

Project type: National.

Duration: 01/01/2022- 31/12/2024.

Abstract: The UNDERLANDSCAPE project aims at the definition of a methodology for the multi-cultural, interdisciplinary study of rock structures. The methodology, which is organically integrated between the scientific/technical and the historic/archaeological approaches, will be specifically finalized to the acquisition of a deeper knowledge of these structures and of their environment both diachronically (from the protohistoric period to middle age and, sometimes, to recent times) and in their various manifestations, through the application of up to date archaeometric, nondestructive diagnostic methods, and digital and multimedia technologies for archaeological, geo-historical and palaeobotanical research, virtual modelling and communication.

National Coordinator: Vincenzo Palleschi.

ICCOM participants: Vincenzo Palleschi.

Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, University of Pisa, ISTP-CNR Bari, Universiy of Insubria.

Financed by: MIUR (Project PRIN 2020, project code no. 2020428LS8).

Project total budget: 640.067 €.

ICCOM total budget: 197.567 €.

Categories: Active projects