The 2017 EurJIC Prize awarded to Dr. Marco Bellini
The international journal European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) awarded to Dr. Marco Bellini, postdoctoral fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds of the National Research Council (CNR-ICCOM) the 2017 EurJIC Prize for distinguished results in the field of Organometallic Chemistry.
In 2016, Dr. Bellini obtained his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Florence, under the supervision of Dr. Francesco Vizza, working in the field of electrocatalysis for the production of energy. His research activity is devoted to the synthesis and characterization of catalysts based on organometallic complexes of rhodium for application in direct alcohol fuel cell “Organometallic Fuel Cells – OMFCs” and the first example of Organometallic ElettroReforming (OMER) for the production and chemicals and hydrogen, a topic of industrial importance from renewable alcohols. In this activity, the collaboration with Prof. Hansjӧrg Grützmacher and his group at the ETH of Zurich (Switzerland) was of great importance.
The Prize will be awarded on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at the XXVI National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society in Paestum, where Dr. Bellini will be invited to give a Keynote Lecture and to write a review article that will be published on EurJIC concerning his research activity.
Cover article – ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 2369.