Phosphorene Day: one day on the “cousin” of Graphene

Phosphorene Day: one day on the “cousin” of Graphene

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FOSFORENE DAY was held in Florence on July 17, 2016. It was a study day that the CNR dedicated to phosphorene, a brand new ‘cousin’ material of graphene. The workshop, hosted at the headquarters of the INSTM in Florence, brought together over fifty physicists and chemists to discuss the research and innovation opportunities related to the latest arrival – in order of time – among the two-dimensional materials that in a few months already attracted the attention of the international scientific community. The great adhesion, despite the very hot day, made it possible to take stock of the Italian initiatives on phosphorene and stimulate new collaborations and synergies between research groups and demonstrates – as the workshop organizers, Lucia Sorba of CNR-NANO and Maurizio Peruzzini of CNR-ICCOM, recently winner of a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant to study this fascinating material, that there is an Italian scientific community with advanced skills in this field and with complete ability to respond quickly to the challenge that the new frontiers of science pose to the world of research competed. Researchers from the CNR IMM, NANO, ICCOM, SPIN, ISMN, ITM and ISM institutes took part.

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