Title: Exfoliated black phosphorus for biomedical applications.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Maria Caporali.
Project Type: International – ERC Advanced.
Duration: 01/12/2020-30/11/2022.
Website: ERC Proof of Concept Funded Projects
Abstract: Studies performed during ERC-Advanced grant (2015-2019) “Phosphorene functionalization: a new platform for advanced multifunctional materials – PHOSFUN” demonstrated the possibility to produce at large scale exfoliated black phosphorus (BP) with high purity grade at low cost by liquid exfoliation of bulk BP. In addition to its low toxicity, we have proved that SMART BP treatment, obtained using our proprietary production process, has anti-proliferative effects as well as anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties in prostate tumours that can disrupt the traditional treatment. Given the positive outcomes of in vitro tests, within PHOSMED we intend to validate the effects of 2D BP on in vivo animal model, moving from TRL 3 to TRL 5 and paving the way to future scalability for new generation of no irradiation/no-toxic nanomedicine solutions, thus improving patient’s quality of life and providing considerable economic benefits.
Project Coordinator: Maurizio Peruzzini.
Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, IPCB-CNR.
ICCOM participants: Maria Caporali, Maurizio Peruzzini, Ilaria Santoni, Manuel Serrano Ruiz.
Sponsored by: European Research Council (ERC) project code n. 963933.
Project total budget: 150.000 €.
ICCOM total budget: 65.000 €.