Title: Phosphorene functionalization: a new platform for advanced multifunctional materials
Principal Investigator: Maurizio Peruzzini
Project Type: International – ERC Advanced
Duration: 2015-2019
Website: ERC Funded Projects
Abstract: The PHOSFUN proposal focuses on the unexplored chemical reactivity of phosphorene, a 2D material made of a single ordered sheet of phosphorus atoms that can be prepared by black phosphorus exfoliation, and gathers together chemists mastering the chemistry of phosphorus with physicists expert in advanced nanostructured systems. First, we aim to set-up a scalable and reproducible synthesis of mono and multilayer phosphorene. Then the functionalization of phosphorene with organic and inorganic moieties will be carried out. Doping the phosphorene will provide new functionalized heterostructured 2D sheets. The functionality of the innovative advanced 2D materials will be validated by implanting phosphorene derivatives into different device platforms addressed to applications in material science, catalysis, microelectronics and optoelectronic devices. The final aim of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a chain-of-value based on phosphorene platform from synthesis to device realization and implementation. Our results will give an overview on how the chemical and physical properties of phosphorene may be modulated. This will expand enormously the fundamental knowledge on phosphorus-based materials and will open the way to novel applications in different areas.
ICCOM participants: Maria Caporali, Matteo Ceppatelli, Andrea Ienco, Salvatore Interlandi, Gabriele Manca, Maurizio Peruzzini, Manuel Serrano Ruiz.
Sponsored by: EC through ERC Advanced Grant (AdG), ERC-2014-ADG-670173.
Project total cost: 1.995.554,00 €