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Title: Advanced training and research action 2. EURoplanning, internationalisation and international networking.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Ilaria Santoni.

Project type: Tuscany Region.

Duration (tbc): 01/04/2025 – 31/03/2027.

Abstract: The aim of the project is to create highly qualified expert figures on European planning and internationalisation: transversal figures who can operate both on the side of enterprises and on the side of universities and research centres. The training programme is designed as trainer on the job and will be aimed at: i) acquiring the techniques of Europlanning, administrative and operational management of projects, ii) applying the know-how acquired in the field of Europlanning, with the creation of real projects with a research theme, iii) acquiring skills in the communication of research projects, iv) developing a real networking culture. The institute will support the expert’s training on Europlanning and integrate him/her into the framework of the Research Area of the CNR of Florence, in particular into the Technology Transfer Centre of the Area (CENTRATEC).


ICCOM participants: Ilaria Santoni, Silvia Rinaldi.

Financed by: Tuscany Region, PR Toscana FSE+ 2021-2027 Giovanisì (www.giovanisi.it).

Project overall budget: € 312.000.

Project ICCOM budget: € 78.000.

Categories: Active projects