Title: A novel class of electrocatalysts with embedded nanomaterials for fuel cells safe and recyclable by design.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Alessandro Lavacchi.
Project type: National.
Duration: 01/12/2021-31/07/2024.
Abstract: NOENDCAT introduces the use of embedded nanoarchitectures in electrocatalysis. The use of embedded nanoarchitecture will make recycling easier, making the risk of releasing nanomaterials in any phase of the materials’ life cycle negligible. NOENDCAT will demonstrate its concept by applying the embedded electrocatalysts to a new class of fuel cells, cutting fuel cells’ impact on critical raw materials by a 70% reduction of platinum and effective recycling.
Coordinator: Alessandro Lavacchi.
ICCOM participants: Marco Bellini, Manuela Bevilacqua, Alessandro Lavacchi, Maria Cristina Salvatici.
Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, ISMN-CNR, Milano Bicocca University.
Financed by: CNR through Progetti@CNR.
Project total budget: 120.576 €.
ICCOM total budget: 90.576 €.