MPCS 17, Pisa 10-12/04/2017
Molecular Properties and computational Spectroscopy – from Esoteric Effects to Novel Probing Tools
(Pisa 10-12/4/2017).
CNR Research Area, Via Moruzzi 1, Pisa (Italy)
The conference will bring together scientists involved in both theoretical and experimental field, and in particular will focus on the measurement/calculation of molecular and spectroscopic properties. It will be the occasion to celebrate the 60th birthday of our friend and colleague Antonio Rizzo. In addition to invited lectures, the program includes a series of oral contributions selected on the basis of submitted abstracts, and a poster section where you can still contribute. The participation of young researchers and students is highly encouraged.
We recommend arriving in Pisa on Sunday, 04/09. For those arriving at 20.00, we are trying to organize an informal meeting at 20:15 somewhere in the city center. More information will be available soon. The opening of the Congress is scheduled on Monday at 9.00 am. Registration on-site from 8.15 am. The conference will close on Wednesday at approximately 18.00.