Title: Silver Jewelry From Galvanic, Ecological and Technological
Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Alessandro Lavacchi
Project type: National – Tuscany Region
Duration: 21/06/2018 – 14/03/2020
Abstract: The research will focus on the characterization of the support materials and coatings produced by Jessica using the scanning electron microscope and the Dual beam microscope; The activity will be organized with a study of the metallurgy of the innovative production processes of silver products and with the study of the thickness and composition of the galvanic coatings. During activity we will develop the characterization through the use of advanced electron microscopy techniques.
Partnership: ICCOM CNR, Jessica Jewels s.p.a
ICCOM participants: Alessandro Lavacchi, Andrea Ienco, Maria Cristina Salvatici.
Sponsored by: Tuscany Region (FESR 2014 – 2020 BANDO N. 2. Research and development projects of the MPMI)
Financial contribution (ICCOM): 50.000 €