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Title: DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials.

Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Fabrizio Santoro.

Project Type: International.

Duration: 04/2018-10/2022.

Website: CORDIS database

Abstract: Light interaction with biomaterials is the driving mechanism of fundamental biological processes, from photosynthesis to DNA photodamage, and is a powerful tool in biomedicine for analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The main goal of LightDyNAmics is to achieve a complete understanding of the ultrafast dynamical processes at the molecular scale induced by UV light absorption in DNA, and to unveil the mechanisms leading to photodamage of the genetic code. At the same time, our project will transfer this knowledge on light-matter interaction to a broad class of optoelectronic materials, highly relevant for Europe`s high-tech industries. LightDyNAmics is an academia-industry research environment training 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) by crossing the traditional border between theoretical and experimental expertise. The consortium brings together 10 leading academic groups and 6 innovative companies.

Partnership: CNR-IBB (Coordinator) and CNR-ICCOM (Italy), CNRS (France), University of Durham (United Kingdom), National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia); Ludwig Maximilians Univeristaet Muenchen (Germany), Masarykova Univerzita (Czech Republic), POlitecnico di Milano (Italy), University College Dublin- National University of Ireland (Ireland), Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna (Italy), Universitat Wien (Austria), Astrazeneca UK Limited (United Kingdom), Baseclick GMBH (Germany), Dynamic Biosensors GmbH (Germany).

ICCOM Participants: Fabrizio Santoro, Giacomo Prampolini.

Sponsored by: European Commission – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network No. 765266.

Financial contribution (overall): 3’827’591.28 €.

Financial contribution (ICCOM): 237’181.32 €.

Categories: Ended projects