International Day of Women and Girls in Science – Florence, 11/02/2025

International Day of Women and Girls in Science – Florence, 11/02/2025

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On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and as part of the Educational Seminars aimed at secondary schools, the CNR Territorial Area of ​​Florence is organizing an event dedicated to telling the story of the scientists of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The seminar will be held on Tuesday 11 February at 9:00 in the Aula Magna “Toraldo di Francia” at the headquarters in Via Madonna del Piano 10, in Sesto Fiorentino (FI). After an introduction to illustrate the objectives and rationale of the day, researchers from the Area will accompany the school children on a journey to discover the many women who have contributed to making the history of science. Subsequently, the women of the present will talk about themselves and their work and their experience within the scientific world, up to a finale that wants to look to the future.

For more info (in Italian):