Title: INtelligent and Sustainable Processing of Innovative Rare-Earth magnet.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Claudio Sangregorio.
Project type: International.
Duration: 01/01/2021-30/09/2024.
Abstract: There is a strong need to implement Rare-Earths recycling technologies in large-scale systems. The INSPIRES project aims at recovering and supplying Rare-Earths within the EU through radical innovations in the recycling of permanent magnets, focusing on one of the most readily available sources: home appliances. INSPIRES will optimize methods at industrial scale for sustainable extraction and recycling and use of recycled magnets in new motors..
Coordinator: Adrian Quesada (CSIC-Spain).
Partnership: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium; National Research Council, Italy; Domel, Elektromotorji in gospodinjski aparati, d.o.o, Slovenia; Gorenje gospodinjski aparati, d.o.o., Slovenia; Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; KOLEKTOR KFH, Pogonski sistemi in komponente d.o.o., Slovenia; Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Surovina družba za predelavo odpadkov d.o.o., Slovenia; Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; ZEOS, ravnanje z električno in elektronsko opremo, d.o.o., Slovenia; Spanish National Research Council (Capofila), Spain.
ICCOM Participants: Claudio Sangregorio, Ilaria Santoni.
Financed by: EC through EU- EIT Raw Materials.
Project total budget: 1.519.598,00 €.
ICCOM total budget: 105.085,00 €.