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Title: Italian Energy Materials Acceleration Platform.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Alessandro Mordini.

Project type: National.

Duration: 13/05/2021 – 31/12/2024.

Abstract: The project aims to create a platform (IEMAP) in line with international material accelerated platforms (MAP). IEMAP will be identified as a data and workflow infrastructure that will allow the experimental and computational laboratories involved in the project to share information and work in a concurrent, integrated and accelerated manner. In parallel, experimental activities specific to the macro areas examined (batteries, electrolysers, photovoltaics) will be conducted, which will serve as case studies for the comparison and production of data. In particular, in the field of batteries, both cathode materials will be studied, for which a high-performance automated synthesis and characterization system will be developed, as well as innovative electrolytes (ionic liquids), also synthesized and characterized using automatable processes, and anode materials, for which production in controlled chemical composition is envisaged through automatable processes. For electrolysers, the lines of activity will be addressed to both low-temperature devices (alkaline (AEM) and polymeric (PEM) membrane) and high-temperature devices (PCE). Finally, in the photovoltaic sector the subjects of investigation will be (i) innovative perovskite solar cells made using processes relevant to industry; (ii) sustainable methods of recovering materials from end-of-life photovoltaic panels; (iii) InGaP/Si photovoltaic devices for application in luminescent concentrators; (iv) hybrid PV-storage devices, fully integrated, with two and three terminals for the management of the intermittency of the solar source.

Partnership: Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Ricerca su Sistema Energetico (RSE).

ICCOM participants: Alessandro Mordini, Gianna Reginato, Lorenzo Zani, Massimo Calamante, Alessio Dessì, Daniele Franchi.

Financed by: AdP MiSE-ENEA for the development of project “Mission Innovation”.

Project overall budget: € 8.542.560.

ICCOM budget: € 80.275.

Categories: Ended projects