Title: R&S project towards the improvement of energy balance of the production processes and the realization of new plants for solid Potassium hydroxide, Epichlorohydrin, Acrylic acid and potassium Sulfate from GREEN FIELD.
Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Francesco Vizza
Project type: National – Tuscany Region
Duration: 02/2018-12/2020
Abstract: ALTAIR CHIMICA spa submitted the project in a public announcement of Regione Toscana to finance industrial R&D projects. ICCOM is involved as scientific advisor.
Partnership: ALTAIR CHIMICA spa, Università di Pisa (Dip. Ingegneria Civile e Industriale) ICCOM-CNR.
ICCOM Participants: Francesco Vizza, Andrea Marchionni, Werner Oberhauser, Jonathan Filippi, Marco Bellini, Hamish Miller.
sponsored by: Tuscany Region
Financial contribution (overall): 13.000.000 €
Financial contribution (ICCOM): 200.000 €