“Get to know My ORMA” – third interview 2022
“Get to know MY ORMA” is a column in which short interviews with the three fellows of the ORMA Project are published, to learn more about who they are, their training and the activities they carry out in the Pisa Research Area. The ORMA project – Higher education and research-action at Tuscan research institutions (CUP B54I19006860002) is financed with the resources of the POR FSE TOSCANA 2014-2020 and is part of Giovanisì (www.giovanisi.it), the project of the Region Tuscany for the autonomy of young people.
In this third interview, we met Katia Genovali, a high-training fellow of the ORMA project at the Institute for Chemical-Physical Processes (IPCF) in Pisa. A degree in Physical Sciences and then a PhD in Astronomy, in recent years she has dedicated herself full time to scientific communication and science teaching.
Text of the interview (in Italian)