Galileo and the birth of Gregorian calendar
In a recent publication contained in the Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference (Padua, 5-8 September 2023) and in a volume of the Academy of Sciences and Letters la Colombaria of Florence dedicated to Copernicus, Francesco Vizza, Senior Associate Researcher, former Director of CNR-ICCOM and scholar of the Gregorian calendar, connects the Gregorian calendar with three scholars: Copernicus, Galileo, and Luigi Lilio, a nearly unknown figure. A Calabrian doctor and astronomer from Cirò, Lilio managed to develop the Gregorian calendar, issued in 1582, using astronomical data contained in the “Alfonsine Tables”. The publication clarifies the role of Copernicus whose calculations, unlike what Galileo claimed, were not used by Lilio to reform the old Julian calendar.
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