G.R.E.E.N. impact C.A.P.C.I.T.Y.
Full Title: Global Reduction of Energy and Environmental Impact, Chlor-Alkali Production Automation and Chlorine Incremental Yield
Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Francesco Vizza
Project Type: National
Duration: 03/2016 – 03/2019.
Abstract: Altair Chimica SpA is the owner of a chemical plant for the production of hydrogen, chlorine, potassium hydroxide (KOH) and derivatives by electrolysis of potassium chloride (KCl). The company intends to expand the production capacity of the electrolysis section of 50% with a consequent increase of the availability of chlorine and hydrogen that will be used for the production of secondary compounds. In particular, the company will rely on the advice of ICCOM for the study and optimization of processes and systems developed in the project.
Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, Altair Chimica spa.
Other ICCOM participants: Francesco Vizza, Lorenzo Ferrari, Andrea Marchionni, Hamish A. Miller, Werner Oberhauser.
Project Type: Bando della Regione Toscana, POR FESR 2014-2020 – Bando 1 – Contratto di consuleza tacnico-scientifica.
Sponsored by: Altair Chimica spa
Financial contribution (overall and ICCOM): 62000 €