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Title: An integrated platform of novel cost and energy-efficient conversion technologies producing liquid and gaseous bioFUELS from sustainable biogenic residues validated for direct use in fuel Cells.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Hamish A. Miller.

Project type: International – Horizon Europe.

Duration: 01/06/2024 – 30/11/2027.

Website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101147442

Abstract: Advanced biofuels represent an important piece of the puzzle in the EU’s quest for climate neutrality as they contribute to decarbonising transport sectors and decrease the EU’s dependence on fossil fuels. Fuels-C aims to contribute to this quest by increasing the availability of two liquid and two gaseous advanced biofuels. Fuels-C will develop an integrated platform of innovative energy-efficient conversion technologies validated at TRL5 including bioelectrochemically assisted CH4 production, bioelectrochemical NH3 production, gasification, microbial electrosynthesis, and electroreduction. Various biogenic residues (biodegradable and non-biodegradable) will be converted under mild conditions into CH4, NH3, formic acid and ethanol, by two main production routes, using renewable energy. The 4 biofuels can be used as drop-in, but Fuels-C will also test them in FCs for electricity production: gaseous NH3 and CH4 in SOFCs, liquid ethanol and formic acid in DLFCs.

Coordinator: Dr. Sara Vinklatova, Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion – Leitat, Spain.

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM; Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzo, Belgium; Commissariat A L’Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies, France; Bluenergy Revolution Scr, Italy; Universitat De Girona, Spain; Universidad De Burgos, Spain; Goodfuels BV, The Netherlands; Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Italy; Sociedad De Fomento Agricola Castellonense S A, Spain; Magellan Circle – European Affairs Consultancy, Portugal; Isle Utilities Limited, United Kingdom.

ICCOM participants: Hamish A. Miller, Marco Bellini, Mariella Liberti.

Financed by: European Commission, HORIZON-RIA – HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions, Call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02, project code n. 101147442.

Project total budget: 3.774.066,25 €.

ICCOM total budget: 101.967,50 €.

Categories: Active projects