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Title: New organic dyes for innovative photovoltaic panels aimed at the fabrication of enery efficient greenhouses

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Gianna Reginato

Project type: National

Duration: 01/06/2017-31/05/2020

Abstract: Among the various application fields of clean energy production by means of photovoltaic systems, recently the horticultural sector gained prominence. Indeed, the good functioning of a greenhouse implies a series of unavoidable maintenance costs, such as those related to the management of the irrigation, lighting and heating systems. According to recent estimates, the yearly diesel fuel consumption of the horticultural sector in Italy is approximately 350 million liters, corresponding to a very high cost not only from the economical, but also from the ecological point of view (greenhouse gases emissions in the atmosphere). This project aims to improve the energy efficiency of the “greenhouse system” by promoting the employment of renewable sources for its energy management. To this end, the scientific activity will be cenetered on the design, synthesis and characterization of new organicsensitizers, and their use for the fabrication of a prototypical DSSC photovoltaic panel, which will be mounted on top of a greenhouse to assess its potential for energy production, as well as its impact on plant growth.

Partnership: Ce.Spe.Vi. (Pistoia)

Other ICCOM participants: Alessio Dessì, Massimo Calamante, Alessandro Mordini, Lorenzo Zani.

Sponsorhsip: Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation

Financial contribution (overall): € 44.650,00

Financial contribution (ICCOM): € 30.000,00

Categories: Ended projects