Title: light wireless optical communication with Fluorescent Optical Antennas.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Massimo Calamante.
Project Type: National.
Duration: 01/12/2021 – 30/11/2024.
Abstract: The project will investigate novel visible light wireless optical communication (VLC) systems based on optical antennas containing fluorescent organic compounds (OFCs). These systems will allow to exploit white LED lamps for distributed wireless communications, energetically efficient and versatile, with applications in various areas (wearable devices, I4.0, pervasive sensors, smart buildings, urban intelligence), favoring the development of the next generation Internet (NGI).
Coordinator: Jacopo Catani, CNR-INO.
Partnership: CNR-INO, CNR-ICCOM.
ICCOM participants: Daniele Franchi, Mariangela Di Donato, Sandra Doria, Matteo Bartolini, Massimo Calamante.
Financed by: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, schema Progetti@CNR.
Project total budget: € 101.625.
ICCOM total budget: € 15.000